Issues of Human Security in Kosovo (2013)

Chronicles Human Security in Context Kosovo Uncategorized


Priština, 2013

(Findings from the consulting meeting with local stakeholders in Prishtina on April 8 th 2013)

We understand conflict as one of the greatest inhibitors to progress and human development. Not only does it lead to wide-scale destruction and destabilized communities, it almost always involves mass violations of human rights. Today, economic growth remains stagnant, unemployment numbers are at nearly 50% 1 and ethnic tensions continue to threaten peace and stability in Kosovo and the region. Most studies that examine these problems do so from a macro-level perspective. What we are trying to find out here is to look at how these issues manifest themselves at the local level, more precisely how they affect day to day life of men and women of a different ethnic background who struggle for their wellbeing and cohabitate to each other. How these welfare problems affect their lives and diminish their fears.

See full PDF version: Kosovo Chronicle 2 – Issues of Human Security in Kosovo

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