Human security holds that a people-centered view of security is necessary and a precondition for national, regional and global stability. A more simplified concept of Human Security is articulated as: “…the basic quality-of-life of an individual or household at home, in one’s community, and in the world – if that person is wealthy, ‘middle class’, ‘working class’, or poor.” If one asks “What is the difference between human security and well-being?” the reply might be: “Very little, except that most descriptions and indicators on wellbeing seem focused on the middle class and above. Human security, on the other hand, focuses on all people – thus on about twice as many people in relatively egalitarian societies, and rather more than twice as many people in other economies/environments/societies.” Experimentation demonstrates that there are common issues, but also differences in concepts and enumeration of Human Security components for the middle or upper classes, or for the people as a whole.
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Kosovo Chronicle 1 – What does Human Security mean in Kosovo?