Bosnia & Herzegovina Chronicle 1 – Human Security in BiH
by Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCa) Tuzla – Youth Resource Center Tuzla
April 2013
What is Human Security in Bosnia and Herzegovina? What to do in order to feel protected and secured in B&H society?
OSCE – Organization for Security and co-operation in Europe, Mission to B&H try to answer to those questions by short
animated film „Security begins“ exploring what ‘security’ can mean, published on 22 Jan 2013. 1
According to them Security is not just about peaceful relations between states but issues that affect our daily lives. The
OSCE works on all these aspects of security, from arms control, anti-terrorism and good governance to environment,
combating trafficking in people, weapons and drugs, democratization, media freedom and minority rights.
Peace and Security are more than absence of war and conflicts. For people, communities and states security is build by
working together. Security begins at home. Women, and men, families, young and old able to live free from violence; to
express they opinions and beliefs. Security begins in all communities where everyone has the same opportunities and
rights to live in society where the law and law enforcement equally for each one is.
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